Recently there has been much discussion on our environment.  The “World and Press” newspaper, March 1 2007 Issue, says, “Ten years left to avert catastrophe.” 

“IPCC’s: (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) assessment report reveals that global warming is a reality.  Little time left to curb dangerous climate change.” 


This statement is a result of a study assessment of 2,000 scientists from around the world. 

With all the evidence about our impending disaster there are still people who refuse to believe it and others who feel these reports are just scare tactics.

America has and continues to be the world’s greatest polluter.  Our political leader says that it would hurt the economy to place controls on our pollution.  

How many will remember our weather from just this past year to realize that something is wrong.  And, it is reported that it will get worse.  Will the economy continue to take priority with more disasters facing us?  We are already deep in debt and each disaster will be more costly.  The war we need to fight is to protect humanity.


Unfortunately people don’t want to cut back on the things they have become accustomed to.  They don’t want to conserve.  They don’t want fuel-efficient cars.  They want their Air Conditioners running around the clock, driving when they could walk and many other energy related things.  People therefore look for any excuse to delay doing what needs to be done.  The problem is that time is running out.


An analogy to this might be the eating habits of many people.  Eating to excess, eating unhealthy foods, smoking, etc., things that cause heart attacks, cancer and other diseases.  People don’t want to give up these good things even though they know they are harmful.   


As the abuse of our bodies cause harm that can be fatal, that same attitude of abuse to our environment will be fatal to mother earth.   We need to act now rather than wait until it is too late.