Making reference to people by their religion rather than their nationality. Thursday, Jan 18 2007 

When reference is made to people in the Middle East it is most often as “Muslims” or “Jews.”  Yet when one refers to people living in America it is never as “Christians” but rather Americans.  Religious references are made based on the dominant religion of a country even though there are mixed religions in most every country of the world.  

Referencing the religion of a person or the people as a whole enhances stereotyping.

What would an American think if he was referred to as “Christian” even though he wasn’t?  Would he not resent that reference if his faith were something else?  And what about those who have no religious preference?  Are they not simply American citizens regardless of their faith? 


Why then don’t we refer to people of other lands by their nationality?  Religion has and continues to be the cause of most wars.  Placing labels on people, religious or otherwise, only fuels resentment?  We need to look for ways to cultivate peace rather than resentment that frequently leads to conflict.

Militants & Peace Activists Sunday, Jan 7 2007 

Militants are not just those who carry guns, but also those who preach or encourage warfare.

Peace Activists are not just those who demonstrate against war, but also those who encourage dialogue for peaceful solutions.

Blessed is the peacemaker.

Our thoughts influence our actions Tuesday, Jan 2 2007 

You most likely heard the remark, “we are what we eat”. It can also be said, “we become what we think about most of the time”. What dominates our thoughts?
If we know what we want, we will naturally think of ways and means of accomplishing it.
If we can see ourselves successful, we will be drawn in that direction. If we see ourselves as a failure, we will be drawn in that direction

Our appearance is often a reflection of our thoughts. How do we see ourselves? If we want to know how others see us, we need only to look into the mirror. Our face reflects how we feel. Can we change how we feel? Of course we can. Smile and others will return the smile. Frown and others will frown. We can take charge. We have the power to control our thoughts and those around us. We can also guard against the negativity of others and not let them control or influence us in a negative way. We can refuse to let outside influence control how we think or wish to think. It takes some effort but just as a muscle becomes strong with exercise, we must be diligent in exercising a positive outlook.

When one knows where it is they wish to go or what they wish to become, they should begin to act, walk, talk, think and conduct themselves in all their affairs as would that person. By becoming successful first in our mind, the positive forces will lead us in the direction we wish to go.

Do friends want you to succeed? Monday, Jan 1 2007 

Often the people close to you really don’t want you to succeed. You look to them for help and support only to discover that they have no interest in your success. Why? Is it because your success could be a threat to their complacency? Do they fear that you may rise above them in some manner? To your face they may smile and wish you luck, but behind your back it is another matter. They may even try to discourage you by telling you about all those who tried and failed. Could it be that the reason they know so much about failure is because they themselves have failed often? And perhaps since they didn’t succeed, they don’t want you to succeed. They want you to remain exactly where you are in a comfort zone that feels right to them.

You will find that people you don’t know so well are the ones that will offer you encouragement and support. You are no threat to them.
For advice, seek out people who have already achieved success. You will find them to have an optimistic outlook and they will offer encouragement and assistance. They may find in you a kindred spirit and will point you in the right direction for additional support/assistance that will lead to success.

True friends you never lose. Those who want your friendship on their terms you can do without. As you travel on your road to success you will make new friends – people who share your visions and excitement. You will also discover that success attracts more success.

Enjoy the journey. Take the high road.