The Unresolved Dilemma Monday, Aug 24 2009 

The unresolved dilemma between Israel and Palestine continues to affect the world in various ways. It spawns terrorist activity, creates economic instability in world markets, drains financial resources and even influences elections. Numerous peace plans and proposals have been offered for consideration but none have achieved their purpose.

With all the attention by past American presidents to resolve the problem, why haven’t they succeeded? Intransigence is just one reason. Failure to enforce UN Resolutions is the biggest failure. UN Resolutions are enforced on other countries, when it suits, but ignored when it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian problem. Are we even-handed? Do we enforce the rule of law fairly or only when it is politically expedient?

They Plotted Revenge Against America

They Plotted Revenge Against America

My novel, “They Plotted Revenge Against America,” deals with unlawful acts by America and by American supported Israeli aggression that caused deaths to loved ones.

The desire for revenge is so strong that a mission is planned to punish America.

There is a solution for the stalemate, to end injustice, and to halt the need for terrorist acts of revenge.

Belief is Akin to Gravity Thursday, Dec 28 2006 

There was this fellow Joe Smith who had a hot dog stand by a busy intersection. People going and coming from work stopped at Joe’s stand and he was doing a thriving business constantly adding new things the customers wanted. Joe never went to college but with his earnings, he was able to send his son to college. During the second year of school, his son came home for vacation and told his father that the economy was slowing down and business would get bad. He cautioned his father to be prepared for a slow down. So Joe decided that he must be careful in buying and be prepared for the slow down. So he cut back in what he bought. Very soon his earnings became less proving that his son was right. Business was certainly slowing down just as his son said it would and he therefore became even more cautious with what he bought and made available to his customers. And it proved to Joe once again how right his son was. He had fewer customers than before and sales continued to dwindle. It wasn’t long before Joe went out of business. His son had been right.

Belief is akin to gravity. What you believe will draw you in the direction of that belief.
One’s actions are often the result of unconscious thought. A negative outlook or feeling draws one in that direction.

I didn’t know I couldn’t, so I did. Wednesday, Dec 27 2006 

According to 20th century folklore, the laws of aerodynamics prove that the bumblebee should be incapable of flight, as it does not have the capacity (in terms of wing size or beat per second) to achieve flight with the degree of wing loading necessary. Not being aware of scientists proving it cannot fly, the bumblebee succeeds.

Ignorance can be a blessing. Not knowing you cannot, can mean that you will at least try.
While analysis is good, over analysis is often cause for failure. Looking for all the things that can go wrong is not conducive to success. Looking for the reasons that things can go right leads one in a positive direction. Picturing success instead of the failure works like a magnet.