The Unresolved Dilemma Monday, Aug 24 2009 

The unresolved dilemma between Israel and Palestine continues to affect the world in various ways. It spawns terrorist activity, creates economic instability in world markets, drains financial resources and even influences elections. Numerous peace plans and proposals have been offered for consideration but none have achieved their purpose.

With all the attention by past American presidents to resolve the problem, why haven’t they succeeded? Intransigence is just one reason. Failure to enforce UN Resolutions is the biggest failure. UN Resolutions are enforced on other countries, when it suits, but ignored when it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian problem. Are we even-handed? Do we enforce the rule of law fairly or only when it is politically expedient?

They Plotted Revenge Against America

They Plotted Revenge Against America

My novel, “They Plotted Revenge Against America,” deals with unlawful acts by America and by American supported Israeli aggression that caused deaths to loved ones.

The desire for revenge is so strong that a mission is planned to punish America.

There is a solution for the stalemate, to end injustice, and to halt the need for terrorist acts of revenge.

Our Threatened Environment Wednesday, Feb 28 2007 

Recently there has been much discussion on our environment.  The “World and Press” newspaper, March 1 2007 Issue, says, “Ten years left to avert catastrophe.” 

“IPCC’s: (Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change) assessment report reveals that global warming is a reality.  Little time left to curb dangerous climate change.” 


This statement is a result of a study assessment of 2,000 scientists from around the world. 

With all the evidence about our impending disaster there are still people who refuse to believe it and others who feel these reports are just scare tactics.

America has and continues to be the world’s greatest polluter.  Our political leader says that it would hurt the economy to place controls on our pollution.  

How many will remember our weather from just this past year to realize that something is wrong.  And, it is reported that it will get worse.  Will the economy continue to take priority with more disasters facing us?  We are already deep in debt and each disaster will be more costly.  The war we need to fight is to protect humanity.


Unfortunately people don’t want to cut back on the things they have become accustomed to.  They don’t want to conserve.  They don’t want fuel-efficient cars.  They want their Air Conditioners running around the clock, driving when they could walk and many other energy related things.  People therefore look for any excuse to delay doing what needs to be done.  The problem is that time is running out.


An analogy to this might be the eating habits of many people.  Eating to excess, eating unhealthy foods, smoking, etc., things that cause heart attacks, cancer and other diseases.  People don’t want to give up these good things even though they know they are harmful.   


As the abuse of our bodies cause harm that can be fatal, that same attitude of abuse to our environment will be fatal to mother earth.   We need to act now rather than wait until it is too late.


Realities of Life Friday, Feb 9 2007 

Goals and Dreams

Man needs a goal to strive for or a dream to fulfill.  It provides a purpose in life



To realize a dream is to lose it. 

To achieve a goal is to lose it


Use or Lose

A muscle without use will weaken and wither. 

If the mind is not exercised, it will weaken and lose its capacity.



To grow, to progress means change.

Not to change is stagnation.



Either one finds a place where one fits in,

Or adjustment is needed to fit in.



Leadership can be a lonely.  One cannot lead by being part of a body or crowd.

Leadership means being subject to criticism, ridicule or attack.


Making reference to people by their religion rather than their nationality. Thursday, Jan 18 2007 

When reference is made to people in the Middle East it is most often as “Muslims” or “Jews.”  Yet when one refers to people living in America it is never as “Christians” but rather Americans.  Religious references are made based on the dominant religion of a country even though there are mixed religions in most every country of the world.  

Referencing the religion of a person or the people as a whole enhances stereotyping.

What would an American think if he was referred to as “Christian” even though he wasn’t?  Would he not resent that reference if his faith were something else?  And what about those who have no religious preference?  Are they not simply American citizens regardless of their faith? 


Why then don’t we refer to people of other lands by their nationality?  Religion has and continues to be the cause of most wars.  Placing labels on people, religious or otherwise, only fuels resentment?  We need to look for ways to cultivate peace rather than resentment that frequently leads to conflict.

Militants & Peace Activists Sunday, Jan 7 2007 

Militants are not just those who carry guns, but also those who preach or encourage warfare.

Peace Activists are not just those who demonstrate against war, but also those who encourage dialogue for peaceful solutions.

Blessed is the peacemaker.

Our thoughts influence our actions Tuesday, Jan 2 2007 

You most likely heard the remark, “we are what we eat”. It can also be said, “we become what we think about most of the time”. What dominates our thoughts?
If we know what we want, we will naturally think of ways and means of accomplishing it.
If we can see ourselves successful, we will be drawn in that direction. If we see ourselves as a failure, we will be drawn in that direction

Our appearance is often a reflection of our thoughts. How do we see ourselves? If we want to know how others see us, we need only to look into the mirror. Our face reflects how we feel. Can we change how we feel? Of course we can. Smile and others will return the smile. Frown and others will frown. We can take charge. We have the power to control our thoughts and those around us. We can also guard against the negativity of others and not let them control or influence us in a negative way. We can refuse to let outside influence control how we think or wish to think. It takes some effort but just as a muscle becomes strong with exercise, we must be diligent in exercising a positive outlook.

When one knows where it is they wish to go or what they wish to become, they should begin to act, walk, talk, think and conduct themselves in all their affairs as would that person. By becoming successful first in our mind, the positive forces will lead us in the direction we wish to go.

Do friends want you to succeed? Monday, Jan 1 2007 

Often the people close to you really don’t want you to succeed. You look to them for help and support only to discover that they have no interest in your success. Why? Is it because your success could be a threat to their complacency? Do they fear that you may rise above them in some manner? To your face they may smile and wish you luck, but behind your back it is another matter. They may even try to discourage you by telling you about all those who tried and failed. Could it be that the reason they know so much about failure is because they themselves have failed often? And perhaps since they didn’t succeed, they don’t want you to succeed. They want you to remain exactly where you are in a comfort zone that feels right to them.

You will find that people you don’t know so well are the ones that will offer you encouragement and support. You are no threat to them.
For advice, seek out people who have already achieved success. You will find them to have an optimistic outlook and they will offer encouragement and assistance. They may find in you a kindred spirit and will point you in the right direction for additional support/assistance that will lead to success.

True friends you never lose. Those who want your friendship on their terms you can do without. As you travel on your road to success you will make new friends – people who share your visions and excitement. You will also discover that success attracts more success.

Enjoy the journey. Take the high road.

Sailing to your Goals Sunday, Dec 31 2006 

It has been said that traveling through life without a goal is like traveling on a ship without a rudder. One will drift according to the winds and currents of life and wind up wherever it takes you. With a goal, having a direction or purpose, one can take charge and determine the direction their life will lead. But what is the direction one wants to take? Achieving the goal is not the problem, deciding on the goal is.

So what do people want? People may say things like, “all I want is to be happy” yet they don’t know what it is that will make them happy. Or they may say, “I just want to be successful” but haven’t defined what success is. Statements like these are not goals but wishful thinking. Yes, people usually want many things and they want them all at once.

Success has been defined as “the progressive realization of a worthy ideal”. What is that worthy ideal? What is the destination (goal) that one wants to reach? It means different things to different people and therefore must be defined individually. Simply stated, if one achieves what he/she has set out to achieve, they are successful.

Having set a goal there must be some form of commitment to achieve it, otherwise it is pure fantasy. A commitment that will cause one to lose something of value if not achieved. Without a commitment, when the going gets tough, the person will quit and then seek an excuse for their failure. With a commitment, something to lose, it provides a greater incentive to make it happen. The greater the commitment, the greater the chance of fulfillment.

1) Determine what it is you want. 2) Make a commitment to get it. 3) Begin without procrastination.

Just as a ship can only reach one port at a time, one can only reach one goal at a time. So determine what the port of call will be and begin the journey. Only after you’re reached that port can you set your next port of call.

Happy Sailing

Something for Nothing Saturday, Dec 30 2006 

Something for nothing is generally worth nothing. What is given can be taken away. What one has earned no one else has a right to.

Generally speaking, when one has not earned the money they have, they tend to spend it freely. When one works hard for their money they tend to spend it wisely. Examples of this might include people who have won the lottery or people who have inherited money. “Easy come, easy go,” is an old saying that expresses a truth. Then why do we continue to fall into the trap of giving to the unworthy, to the lazy? How often has aid fallen into the hands of the greedy and not used for the purposes intended?

The truism, “give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you feed him for life.” Earning one’s way gives a person dignity and a feeling of self worth.
Giving can be an honorable thing. Giving to the truly needy, giving to promote a worthy cause, etc., is something we should do. Giving to the undeserving is throwing your money away. The same can be said for good advice. Offering an opportunity for self-help is a gift of lasting value.

Give, but give wisely.

Optimism Friday, Dec 29 2006 

There are people who seem to be generally optimistic. They usually wear a smile and appear happy. Then there are those who are generally pessimistic, who frown most of the time and appear unhappy.
There was this person I knew when I worked in Canada whose name was Jacque. He always looked on the negative side of things. I was with a few friends having a drink when Jacque joined us at the table. As a joke I said, “you know there are Optimist Clubs, why don’t we start a Pessimist Club? Jacque replied immediately, “It will never work!”

When one considers the background of people who head commercial companies, they seldom include lawyers since most are trained to think negatively. Their outlook is concerned with what can go wrong and are often too cautious and not willing to take risks. People with sales and entreprenurial backgrounds lead many successful companies. These are people who are optimistic in thinking, have the ability to communicate and interact with other people and are willing to take calculated risks.

The most positive place I ever lived was in Lebanon. Everything was possible – at least that was the attitude. It didn’t matter if there was a regulation against it, if one had the will there was always a way. When I sought someone for a new enterprise and asked the question, “Would you be interested in…” The immediate answer was, “Yes, yes, what is it?” In other places I lived and worked it was the exact opposite with an immediate negative response.
If you are cautious, at least be cautiously optimistic.

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